Campfire Conversations
For my husband and I, some of the best, and often funniest, conversations are our campfire conversations when we are on a trip. On our most recent trip to the San Gabriel Mountains, one night after riding we decided…
It's All About Friction And Leverage
A week ago I uploaded a YouTube video about Can A Woman Really Pick Up a Big Bike and the response in the comments blew me away. You guys are amazing. So in YouTube video link above I wanted to circle around and respond to many of the amazing conversations that were started in the comments of that video.
Road Trip!
When someone says 'Road Trip', how do you plan? I would venture to guess that planning for a road trip on a motorcycle is as unique as the riders that plan them. We all have different tools, preference, and things we want out of each ride.
Can A Woman Really Pick Up A Big Bike
One of the frequently asked questions I get from both male and female riders is 'can you pick up your bike by yourself?' The answer to that is, with the correct technique even a tiny woman can pick up a huge bike. You just need to know the correct techniques. Let's go through these.
Motorcycle Trip And I Still Have To Pack!
I am leaving soon on my motorcycle trip and I still have to pack! Packing for as long as I will be gone is causing me some issues. Seriously! I am a girly girl, so I a notorious for overpacking. Something that cannot happen in a motorcycle because space is at a premium.
Planning A Road Trip During A Pandemic
As I have been planning my road trip home I am finding that planning a road trip during a pandemic presents a new layer of challenge that I did not expect. I mean there are all the normal things like where to stay, what route to take, any attractions to see along the way, etc. However, add in a pandemic and things get a little more complicated. Let me share a few examples with you.
Riding Home - Solo Road Trip
I have exciting news! In about a week I will be riding home to Houston on a solo road trip! I am so excited and to be honest a little nervous too. The last time I took off on a solo long road trip was been many years ago and that was in a car. To be leaving on a more than 2,600 mile bike trip has me in a unique mix of 'I am a such a badass!' and 'what am I getting myself into?'.
So Many Upgrades, So Little Time
Do you know what I mean? I have only had my bike Scarlett for about 6 months have already made many upgrades to her, but I still have more that I want to do and I am planning/saving for the next ones I want to do. One is more safety related and the second one is all about performance.
I Just Have To Have This To Ride…
Have you ever started something new and before you had any experience you were convinced you already knew what you did and did not need. Well I did when I started riding.
Chicks That Ride, A Close Call, and A Stunning Sunset
I had the best time this past weekend! Me and my husband took a ride up to Pine Mountain Club, CA for the Chicks That Ride Photoshoot. We had the best time making our way up Highway 33 (which we had not ridden since May) and long Lockwood Valley Road. Be aware, neither road is for the faint on heart on 2-wheels. Both are full of twists and turns, but the challenge is worth it for the beautiful vistas. I did have one close call on Lockwood Valley Road in a low water crossing.
Being Strong Enough To Ride A Motorcycle
One of my Frequently Asked Questions is how am I strong enough to ride my big motorcycle. This question is most often asked by those that are not rides yet or are new to riding or those that are wanting to move up to a larger bike. It is asked so often, I thought I would make a whole YouTube video about it.
We Went On A Motorcycle Date
Have you ever just needed a night out? To get out of the house for a little while. To not be distracted by the demands of the home or needing to care for children. Just to reconnect with your special someone? Well, we needed a "date night' so, we went on a motorcycle date!