Riding Home - Solo Road Trip

I have exciting news! In about a week I will be riding home to Houston on a solo road trip! I am so excited and to be honest a little nervous too. The last time I took off on a solo long road trip was been many years ago and that was in a car. To be leaving on a more than 2,600 mile bike trip has me in a unique mix of 'I am a such a badass!' and 'what am I getting myself into?'.

Okay, so a little background on why this trip is happening.


My husband's job was temporarily relocated from Houston to Santa Barbara about two years ago. At the time it was anticipated that the project would only last 18 months to 2 years and that we would then head back to Texas at that point. Well, things have changed and his position is being permanently relocated to Santa Barbara. So we now need to complete our move out west.

Since this requires us to make a trip back to Texas, I am taking the opportunity to go home to see my parents and 2 of my kids. I have not seen any of them in more than 9 months because of the COVID lockdown and I cannot wait. The thing that has been hardest on me during this lockdown is not being able to see my family. They are all back in Texas and this is the first time any of us have had the opportunity to see one another again. 

I have 2 reasons for riding.


1) Because of a very bad experience with anesthesia in a past surgery, wearing a mask for an extended length of time is something I cannot do at this point. If I do not take precautions, even a trip to the grocery story can send me into a spectacular panic attack. So wearing a mask for an extended period of time to fly is not something I am capable of at this time.

2) How could I pass up an opportunity to ride halfway across this amazing country? How could I pass up the opportunity to connect with my motorcycle community? My answer is that I can not! So I am taking off.


So till next time I am off to finalize the last details before leaving on my grand adventure. Get out and ride, have fun, be safe, and catch you in the next post……


Planning A Road Trip During A Pandemic


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