Couples Moto Camping, What Could Go Wrong?
Robin Chance Robin Chance

Couples Moto Camping, What Could Go Wrong?

We took our first couples moto camping recently, what could go wrong? In truth… We laughed more than anything else. Taking this first moto camping trip together as a couple was a really great experience. So much, we are already planning our next trip.

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Riding Solo. What Do You Do?
Robin Chance Robin Chance

Riding Solo. What Do You Do?

When we go out for a ride, especially a solo ride, we all have our own preference for what we want in our helmets. Some of us prefer to listen to music, some audiobooks, some to podcasts, and yet some just need to sound of the wind and their thoughts.

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Riding Home - Solo Road Trip
Robin Chance Robin Chance

Riding Home - Solo Road Trip

I have exciting news! In about a week I will be riding home to Houston on a solo road trip! I am so excited and to be honest a little nervous too. The last time I took off on a solo long road trip was been many years ago and that was in a car. To be leaving on a more than 2,600 mile bike trip has me in a unique mix of 'I am a such a badass!' and 'what am I getting myself into?'.

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