Riding Solo. What Do You Do?

When we go out for a ride, especially a solo ride, we all have our own preference for what we want in our helmets. Some of us prefer to listen to music, some audiobooks, some to podcasts, and yet some just need to sound of the wind and their thoughts.

A love of riding solo is a recent and new thing for me. For the first year and a half of riding I rode only with my husband or with a small group. I was too scared to just be out there on my own.

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Then last fall I took off cross country on a solo road trip back to Texas and I fell in love with solo riding. I discovered the beauty of riding just me. To be quite with my thoughts or to just let my mind focus on something I enjoy like music or an audiobook. Okay, that was admitting to a guilty pleasure. I really like audiobooks. For me, it really depends on my mood, cause I will do a little of it all.

If you are a rider or love long road trips, what do you do?  Are you a music person? An audiobook or podcast? Or do you prefer the peace of the wind?  Tell me down in the comments and then…

Get out and ride, have fun, be safe, and catch you in the next post……


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