2021 Has Got To Be Better, Right?

It was one of those days where I just needed a ride. You know what I mean?

Before I go any further, Happy New Year! With it being the first of the year, let the silly memes begin.

Saw one recently with a guy rolling his eyes with the caption of 'Here we go again. New Year, New Me.' It struck me as funny. Because think about it at the end of 2019 many people were posting on social media about how hard and awful 2019 had been and that they could not wait for 2020 because it had to be better. Well, I don't think any of us could have predicted what 2020 had in store for us.


Between the pandemic that caused a world wide shutdown, to a country altering social movement, and all the crazy weather that created states of emergency in many different states. Talk about a knockout combination!

It would be very easy to look back on 2020 and talk about how awful it has been and to allow that to be our mindset going into 2021. To be negative, ugly, and draining. I will not take way from those that have born the brunt of what 2020 did. For some the results were awful and life altering. And the fact that many have dusted themselves off and are moving forward is amazing.


So what I have to admit that what I am about to say is more for me than only one else. This past week, I had to have an attitude adjustment with myself. 2019 was not an easy one for me, and I was in the process of making some changes when the lockdown of 2020 hit. The lockdown was both a blessing and a curse for me. I was effected by losing a job, but it also gave me the time to accelerate some of the things I had been working on because I had the time.

So for the last several months I have been working on my mindset and my focus. To live in a positive mindset and focus on goals that I am working towards. It is not always easy and somedays it is downright hard to stay there, yet it is the direction I am working. To focus on the good and the things that can go right. To not let fear take over and limit me and my life.

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So today I challenge you. Are you going to let 2020 create a negative mindset for you as you step into 2021 or are you going to move forward looking for the good that is present in everyday? I know my choice.

Now get out and ride, have fun, be safe, and catch you in the next post……


Riding Solo. What Do You Do?


Motorcycle Trip And I Still Have To Pack!