Planning A Road Trip During A Pandemic

As I have been planning my road trip home I am finding that planning a road trip during a pandemic presents a new layer of challenge that I did not expect. I mean there are all the normal things like where to stay, what route to take, any attractions to see along the way, etc. However, add in a pandemic and things get a little more complicated. Let me share a few examples with you.

  1. Lockdown protocols - each state's different protocols on how they are managing virus mitigation and social distancing practices. Some are simple and easy to implement and follow. While others…. Not so much. The biggest challenge is that they change from state to state and there is not an easy to find, easy to read, central source for information. I am finding that getting current information on what each state requires is not an easy task.

  2. Accommodations - Whether I choose to stay with friends and family or in a hotel, there are so many things to consider. If I stay with friends and family, have either of us been exposed (knowingly or unknowingly) recently. Yet if I choose to stay in a hotel, what are their cleaning procedure? Are they sufficient? Are they being followed? It is something that has to be looked at.

  3. Food - Even how I plan out my meals is more challenging. If I choose to get take-out, then I have to eat out on my bike. Not always the easiest thing to do. But if I choose to eat in a restaurant it circles back to the same issues as hotels. Are their cleaning procedures sufficient and are they being followed? And don't even get me started on packing snacks for that long of a trip on the bike with me. Oye!


The lockdown has added a new layer of challenge to planning a road trip that I did not expect and I am having to adapt and overcome. It is reminding me of all the things that I use to take for granted before. Of all the things I am looking forward to enjoying again. 

With all that said, there are some things that have not changed. I am so excited for the experience of riding cross county and all the people I will be connecting with along the way. These are thing things that are making all the additional challenge so very worth it!

Then get out and ride, have fun, be safe, and catch you in the next post……


Motorcycle Trip And I Still Have To Pack!


Riding Home - Solo Road Trip