Best Motorcycle Road Ever | California Highway 245
Robin Chance Robin Chance

Best Motorcycle Road Ever | California Highway 245

Recently my husband and I took a trip through the Sequoia National Park. That post will be up soon and I can only hope to convey the majesty of the trees we went the day riding through.

What was just as exciting was that on the way back to the campsite, we found the best motorcycle road we have ever ridden. California Highway 245! …

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Best Roads In California | Santa Barbara Edition
Robin Chance Robin Chance

Best Roads In California | Santa Barbara Edition

As a content creator on YouTube, some days you just simply run out of ideas. So today I thought I would just take you for a ride….

When I started my YouTube journey a little over a year ago I could not imagine all the places I would see and things I would do. As I am now approaching 100 videos, along with my mind being blown a little, I have been looking back at the things that enjoy most about the YouTube platform.

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Motorcycle Trip And I Still Have To Pack!
Robin Chance Robin Chance

Motorcycle Trip And I Still Have To Pack!

I am leaving soon on my motorcycle trip and I still have to pack! Packing for as long as I will be gone is causing me some issues. Seriously! I am a girly girl, so I a notorious for overpacking. Something that cannot happen in a motorcycle because space is at a premium.

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Planning A Road Trip During A Pandemic
Robin Chance Robin Chance

Planning A Road Trip During A Pandemic

As I have been planning my road trip home I am finding that planning a road trip during a pandemic presents a new layer of challenge that I did not expect. I mean there are all the normal things like where to stay, what route to take, any attractions to see along the way, etc. However, add in a pandemic and things get a little more complicated. Let me share a few examples with you.

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Riding Home - Solo Road Trip
Robin Chance Robin Chance

Riding Home - Solo Road Trip

I have exciting news! In about a week I will be riding home to Houston on a solo road trip! I am so excited and to be honest a little nervous too. The last time I took off on a solo long road trip was been many years ago and that was in a car. To be leaving on a more than 2,600 mile bike trip has me in a unique mix of 'I am a such a badass!' and 'what am I getting myself into?'.

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