Best Motorcycle Road Ever | California Highway 245

Recently my husband and I took a trip through the Sequoia National Park. That post will be up soon and I can only hope to convey the majesty of the trees we went the day riding through.

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What was just as exciting was that on the way back to the campsite, we found the best motorcycle road we have ever ridden. California Highway 245! For an hour we took curve after curve after switchback. IT WAS AWESOME! Be prepared as both the roads in the park and those getting to the park are challenging and not for the beginning rider. But for those that can… The ride along 245 is outstanding! Just as challenging as the roads in the park, but much less traveled and ready for you to totally enjoy the ride.

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I know many of you out there have ridden a roads that at the end all you could say was, "Let's do that again!" This was one of those for me and we will so be going back this fall to ride it again. Though my husband may need new floorboards after we do.

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So what about you? What is an epic road you have ridden that you cannot wait to go back and ride again?

Now get out and ride, have fun, be safe, and catch you in the next post……


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