Road Trip!

When someone says 'Road Trip', how do you plan? I would venture to guess that planning for a road trip on a motorcycle is as unique as the riders that plan them. We all have different tools, preference, and things we want out of each ride. So I have a series of questions for you.

 1) How do you plan your routes?

Still being relatively new to California I have relied heavily on Google Maps to plan my trips to this point. Though it is a valuable tool and I still use it to supplement the planning, it often will skip over the very roads that I want to ride because it is not the fastest way to get where I am going. In the end, I have missed many amazing rides because I did not know the road was there.

Recently Denver Woods of The Vtwin Life Podcast suggested I check out Mad Maps. I love their product! They have highlighted some amazing roads that I had no idea were even an option and have sparked ideas for further research. Though they are currently working on an app (that I will use), they are currently only offering paper maps. Before you blow off the 'old school' maps, remember that not everywhere has cell service. Sometimes 'old school' is the 'best school'.


 2) Is the ride about the journey or the destination?

For me, it depends on the trip if the journey or the destination is the purpose. Example of what I mean. For my birthday coming up I am planning a trip out towards Joshua Tree and want to take the Angles Crest Highway if it is open. This is a trip where riding Angles Crest is the purpose of that area and Joshua Tree is about stopping to enjoy the area. The beauty of a road trip is that it does not have to be one or the other. It can be a little of both.


 3) Do you prefer hotels or to motocamp?

For many years I said that my idea of roughing it was black and white television. I know, I know. Since I started riding I found a love of camping again. There is a freedom to being outdoors and in nature. Things are simple and there is less distractions, static with a lack of electronic devices. Then again, there is something to be said for having a real bed and a hot shower. Ya know? 

So my when you hear 'Road Trip' how do you plan? Drop down into the comments below and tell me your thoughts.

Then get out and ride, have fun, be safe, and catch you in the next post……

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