It Is Our Bike Anniversary!
It is our bike anniversary and I am so excited!
Let me start this story from the beginning. About a year and a half ago I walked into one of my local Harley-Davidson dealerships on my way across LA to visit a friend. Parked near the door was this amazingly beautiful green Road King Classic and it was love at first sight. As I walked up to her (yes her) I said, 'Hello Lovely! You will be mine.'
What I Wish I Knew Before I Started Riding
Many of us that have ridden a motorcycle for a while can remember that first year of riding and all we learned. I know for me there were so many things I wish I knew before starting that I had to learn the hard way as I went. So today I thought I would share not only my own experiences, but also some of the outstanding advice many of my subscribers on YouTube shared with me a week ago.