Never Forget - Remembering 9/11

Growing up I always here my parents and grandparents talking about how they remember exactly where they where and what they were doing when first heard about Pearl Harbor. Or when President Kennedy was assassinator. Or when the Berlin Wall fell.

Today marks another of those days that we will never forget. Today we remember the attacks of 9/11 in New York City, Washington DC, and the in the Pennsylvania field.

Never Forget - Let’s Roll

Never Forget - Let’s Roll

I did not have the same experience as most in the US that day. For me, 9/11 occurred at 3pm in the afternoon. You see, my husband at the time was in the military and we were stationed in Germany. I had returned home from doing the normal 'Mom/Wife' errands with only a few moments to rest as my youngest napped and before picking my oldest up from pre school. So when the phone rang I almost let it go to voice mail. When I answered, my mom (clearly shaken) instructed me to turn on the tv and then promptly hung up. I turned on the tv to find the first tower in flames, then moments later I watched in horror as a plane flew into the second tower.

What surprises me are the odd details that I remember from that day. I remember it was unseasonably hot. I remember that my son was wearing a red t-shirt. I remember knowing instantly that the 'go bag’ the military always encouraged us to have prepared in the event of an emergency evacuation could possible be used. I remember how badly my hands shook as I raced to collect my oldest daughter from pre-school. And I remember crying as the towers fell and images from the pentagon and the field in Pennsylvania began to come in.

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I remember watching in awe as our First Responders, our firefighters, police officers, and emergency medical professions, ran towards the flames and chaos as other ran in fear. I remember my heart breaking as I witnessed so many lose their lives at all 3 locations, knowing that so many families would forever have empty places at the dinner table.

Today I remember that on that day we stood together as a nation against hate and those that sought to harm. Today I say thank you to all those that selflessly serve our communities to protect us. Today my heart goes out to the families who must carry on without whose loved one did not see the sun set on that day. Remember that we are a stronger nation when we stand together.


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