Loud Pipes Saves Lives - Pro or Con?

There is a saying in the biker community that "Loud Pipes Saves Lives".  The saying has even become an argument at times with strong opinions on both sides. For those of us that ride, we have all ridden with those that have them and with those that don't. Over the years I have heard a few main arguments, one pro and one con. 

The cons is that they are so loud that they are a safety issue because they can damage hearing.

Bob, a Harley-Davidson Fat Boy

Bob, a Harley-Davidson Fat Boy

  1. That over a long and/or repeated rides, the decibels are at such a level that they can damage the hearing of the rider, passenger, or those riding with them in a group. There is validate to this point. My older bike, Bob, does have a set of fairly loud pipes and on a longer ride on him, the volume does become uncomfortable if I do not wear good ear plugs.

  2. The other often used argument is that the decibel level can limit a rider's ability to hear the traffic around them. Either the rider on the bike or one riding with them in a group. I have experienced this myself with other riders that run straight pipes. When I ride behind them in a group, I cannot hear anything else around me. That is not a good feeling.

The pros is that the volume brings attention the bike and rider, thus preventing accidents from inattentive drivers.

Scarlett, a Harley-Davidson Road King

Scarlett, a Harley-Davidson

Road King

  1. Before I say anything else. Most of the time when I hear pipes it makes me smile cause I know a brother or sister is out on their bike. And the pipes just sound really cool!

  2. In traffic, at intersections, and in parking lots, all too often drivers will look right through us as if we are not there. Or they will change lanes without looking. Having pipes that can be heard by drivers can get their attention before they do something that would cause an accident. I know this one to be true from several experiences. 

That got me to thinking... are you pro or con on this issue?  If you have a bike, what pipes do you have? Share with me your opinion and why do you feel the way you do in comments.

So until next time… Get out and ride, have fun, be safe, and catch you in the next post……


Motorcycle Bucket List - Who Is Ready For A Road Trip?


And somedays you just need to ride.