Do You Do This Too?

Name your vehicle? Ever since I started driving, I have always named mine. Every vehicle I have ever owned has had a name. I can't be the only one. They each have a personality and a vibe, so why not give them a name to fits. I mean we do spend a lot of time with them and develop a relationships with them.



But especially my bikes. I if you have watched any of my YouTube videos you know that I named my Road King Scarlett. I know that some of you are thinking, why did she name her green bike Scarlett. When I first saw her my first thoughts went to the scene in Gone With The Wind where Scarlett O'Hara needs a dress and takes down the green drapes to make herself one. For me that scene has always signified a desire to let nothing stand in your way. I wanted to ride a bigger bike, a touring bike, and many told me I was not tall enough or strong enough. But it was a goal I was unwilling to give up on. Thus, riding my 'big girl bike' she needed a name just as bold. Scarlett it is. I think Vivian Leigh would approve.



Then there is my first bike, Bob. When he came to me he did not have a name and for years was just the generic 'The Fat Boy'. Yet I know from day one that he had a personality and needed a name. He is an older bike and thus has a bit more of the rumble and vibration that the older Harley's are known for. Then one day over drinks my girlfriends and I started joking about it and one started calling him Bob. The name stuck just like any good call sign or nickname will.

I can go on and on about Cherry, Baby, Betty, Sally, Ten, etc or that my family does the same thing. But I have to say I am curious… Do you name your bike? If you do, what is the name and why? Tell me your story in the comments below.

So until next time… Get out and ride, have fun, be safe, and catch you in the next post….


It Is In The Mail!


Making Her Mine