What's In Your Saddle Bag?

When were are headed out for a long ride, doesn't matter if it is for a day trip or for a long road trip, we all have a ritual that we all walk through to prepare. What that is changes from biker to biker.

I know for myself and my husband, we have a routine. And it goes something like this…

Safety Check

It is important to check the safety of the bike each and every time before taking off on a ride. The tires, the fluids, the breaks, lights, etc. The T-CLOCS. The last thing any of us wants is to be on the side of the road broken down or hurt because we did not check to make sure our bike was road ready.


Since we are still in the middle of COVID as I am writing this post, a mask is a must. With California remaining in the middle of a significant lockdown, masks are required everywhere. And we also pack a couple pairs of gloves for when your only fuel station option is a bit sketchy. Ya know what I mean?


Water And Snacks

To be able ride all day comfortable and to delay the onset of fatigue, staying hydrated, fueled with food, and stopping at regular intervals is stretch is important. When we do not fuel out bodies fatigue will set in quickly. When we allow things to go too long we can also feel dizzy, lightheaded, an increased heartrate, and the shakes. Taking the time to stop and take care of ourselves will make for a much better ride.

Extra Clothing

It is not uncommon here on the coast to experience as much as a 20 degree temperature shift depending on where and what time of day you are riding. I always throw an extra layer of clothing into my saddle bag so that as the temperature shifts, I am ready. Trust me, there are few things worse than being so cold or hot you are just enduring the ride.

Neat Taos, NM

Neat Taos, NM

So my question for you today is just that, what is in your saddle bag when you head out for a long day on the road? Or are you a minimalist? Do you do not ride a bagger like I do, how do you carry what you need?

Now get out and ride, have fun, be safe, and catch you in the next post……


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