Let's Go Make Some Noise!

Have you ever had one of these days? You know the kind. The ones where it feels like everything you touch just seems to go sideways or turns out completely differently than you had planned? Well, I had one of those weeks. So what is a girl to do? She gets out and makes some noise! And I had a little help from Bob.


This past week has been a difficult one and on too many days I was just spent. I had nothing left from what felt like a constant fight to see things improve. When I am that way one of the only things that will set things to rights once again is to get on one of my bikes and makes some noise.

To be honest, when I want to go fast and ride hard, I take Scarlett. When I just need the noise and the rumble, those are the day's I take Bob. Well… This week was a Bob kind of week. It took some time, about half a tank of fuel, and a lot of unhappy people that do not appreciate the language Bob speaks before I started to feel like myself again.


I know not everyone out there has the ability to engage in wind therapy like I do, and it has me wondering. When you find yourself in this place, what do you do? Let me know what you do down in the comments.

If you can; get out and ride, have fun, be safe, and catch you in the next post……


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